Appropriate Technology




  • Appropriate Technology In 1973 a second term appeared, in the book Small is Beautiful by Buddhist economist Ernst Schumacher 1. He first used intermediate technology, to describe technology designed with special consideration to the environmental, ethical, cultural, social, political, and economic aspects of the community it is intended for. The term changed to Appropriate Technology (AT) and became a movement encompassing technological choice and application that is about ’enoughness’, robustness and sustainable living. (View Highlight)

title: “Appropriate Technology” author: “” url: ”” date: 2023-12-19 source: reader tags: media/articles

Appropriate Technology




  • Appropriate Technology In 1973 a second term appeared, in the book Small is Beautiful by Buddhist economist Ernst Schumacher 1. He first used intermediate technology, to describe technology designed with special consideration to the environmental, ethical, cultural, social, political, and economic aspects of the community it is intended for. The term changed to Appropriate Technology (AT) and became a movement encompassing technological choice and application that is about ’enoughness’, robustness and sustainable living. (View Highlight)