Be Good to Your Spark




  • But more than anything else, there are times when you just want to do things your way. What feels good is deciding, stubbornly, that you’re going to proceed in a way that feels right to you. And even though everyone around you might think you’re hopelessly rigid, you know what you’re doing. You know that you have this little spark of interest and love for what you’re doing and you don’t want to kill it. Sometimes that stubborn feeling of I WILL DO IT MY WAY, DAMN IT includes looking around at the elaborately decorated vases in your pottery class and saying to yourself, These look ugly to me. Sometimes it includes watching performances you find wanting and reading books you find flat and uninspired and feeling smug about how bad they are. Sometimes doing it your way and nurturing your tiny spark turns you into a superior, hyper-critical asshole, in other words — if only privately, if only inside the darkness of your stubborn head. (View Highlight)

title: “Be Good to Your Spark” author: “Heather Havrilesky” url: ”” date: 2023-12-19 source: reader tags: media/articles

Be Good to Your Spark




  • But more than anything else, there are times when you just want to do things your way. What feels good is deciding, stubbornly, that you’re going to proceed in a way that feels right to you. And even though everyone around you might think you’re hopelessly rigid, you know what you’re doing. You know that you have this little spark of interest and love for what you’re doing and you don’t want to kill it. Sometimes that stubborn feeling of I WILL DO IT MY WAY, DAMN IT includes looking around at the elaborately decorated vases in your pottery class and saying to yourself, These look ugly to me. Sometimes it includes watching performances you find wanting and reading books you find flat and uninspired and feeling smug about how bad they are. Sometimes doing it your way and nurturing your tiny spark turns you into a superior, hyper-critical asshole, in other words — if only privately, if only inside the darkness of your stubborn head. (View Highlight)