Dear Bear: I Got Everything I Wanted, but I’m Still Unhappy




  • There’s a Shirley Jackson line that goes “Somewhere, deep inside you, hidden by all sorts of fears and worries and petty little thoughts, is a clean pure being made of radiant colors.”
  • Here’s what I know: if you’re spending your time on something you love, the passage of time is exciting because it brings you closer. If you’re spending your time on something you don’t believe in, you feel like you’re bringing robbed.
  • I think you need to find something you love that cracks your life open and makes everything feel possible again. I see that there’s a part of you that wants to be in control—that worries about getting everything just right. But there’s also a part of you that’s always seeking. I love the seeker in you. I can tell that even when you’re trying to squash it into oblivion you love it too. Seeking is beginning of everything, I think. I can’t tell you what to do—no one can. But I know you’ll find it because you keep searching.

title: “Dear Bear: I Got Everything I Wanted, but I’m Still Unhappy” author: “” url: ”” date: 2023-12-19 source: hypothesis tags: media/articles

Dear Bear: I Got Everything I Wanted, but I’m Still Unhappy




  • There’s a Shirley Jackson line that goes “Somewhere, deep inside you, hidden by all sorts of fears and worries and petty little thoughts, is a clean pure being made of radiant colors.”
  • Here’s what I know: if you’re spending your time on something you love, the passage of time is exciting because it brings you closer. If you’re spending your time on something you don’t believe in, you feel like you’re bringing robbed.
  • I think you need to find something you love that cracks your life open and makes everything feel possible again. I see that there’s a part of you that wants to be in control—that worries about getting everything just right. But there’s also a part of you that’s always seeking. I love the seeker in you. I can tell that even when you’re trying to squash it into oblivion you love it too. Seeking is beginning of everything, I think. I can’t tell you what to do—no one can. But I know you’ll find it because you keep searching.