Envisioning My Homepage as an Online Therapeutic Space




  • I would like this to be a space where I primarily – other people too if they want to – can retreat to, sip a cup of tea, immerse in the content or browse lightly for a bit, an online space where people can slow down and breathe. There is almost no one else here, no social signalling or noise, no sense of competition or completion, almost nothing and yet everything.
  • Maybe we don’t want the full-blown, always on experience of the popular social networks but yet we crave some form of connection so I hope to see the emergence of therapeutic online spaces where people can go chill a little. I want to build this into a space where I can always retreat to. I hope it can also be a space where some of you can retreat to.
  • This website is my life’s work-in-progress. It is essentially an abstracted version of my life and me. It has contained so many expressions of both pain and joy, memories and forgettings, learnings and misguided beliefs. In some ways, it is more intimate than entering my physical home because it is being here that will get one closer to the depths of my psyche rather than the physical self I present.

title: “Envisioning My Homepage as an Online Therapeutic Space” author: “winnielim.org” url: ”https://winnielim.org/experiments/website/envisioning-my-homepage-as-an-online-therapeutic-space/” date: 2023-12-19 source: hypothesis tags: media/articles

Envisioning My Homepage as an Online Therapeutic Space




  • I would like this to be a space where I primarily – other people too if they want to – can retreat to, sip a cup of tea, immerse in the content or browse lightly for a bit, an online space where people can slow down and breathe. There is almost no one else here, no social signalling or noise, no sense of competition or completion, almost nothing and yet everything.
  • Maybe we don’t want the full-blown, always on experience of the popular social networks but yet we crave some form of connection so I hope to see the emergence of therapeutic online spaces where people can go chill a little. I want to build this into a space where I can always retreat to. I hope it can also be a space where some of you can retreat to.
  • This website is my life’s work-in-progress. It is essentially an abstracted version of my life and me. It has contained so many expressions of both pain and joy, memories and forgettings, learnings and misguided beliefs. In some ways, it is more intimate than entering my physical home because it is being here that will get one closer to the depths of my psyche rather than the physical self I present.