



  • “First there is the friend who you go out and eat with, or get pissed with, who you go with to the cinema or a gig — you know, have a shared experience with. The second kind of friend is one who you can ask a favour of, who will look after you in a jam, will lend you money, or drive you to the hospital in the middle of the night, someone who has your back — that kind of friend. The third level of friendship is one where your friend brings out the best in you, who amplifies the righteous aspects of your nature, who loves you enough to be honest with you, who challenges you, and who makes you a better person.” (View Highlight)
  • Understanding moves deeply beyond sharing with you what I think about so-and-so book or so-and-so place. It’s a lifelong journey. It means slowly revealing my unique constellation of reference points, the way I tend to bounce when I walk, why certain silly movies make me cry, the first thoughts I have when I walk into a crowd of people (View Highlight)
  • In a world that has devolved into context collapse and bad faith, feeling safe is rare. To see and be seen, even rarer. To get to a place with someone where you can relish in the silence, know the answer to a question before asking it, wholly accept each other’s faults, be at complete peace in another’s presence, requires a lot of toil—but it’s well worth it (View Highlight)

title: “Friendship” author: “katie” url: ”” date: 2023-12-19 source: reader tags: media/articles





  • “First there is the friend who you go out and eat with, or get pissed with, who you go with to the cinema or a gig — you know, have a shared experience with. The second kind of friend is one who you can ask a favour of, who will look after you in a jam, will lend you money, or drive you to the hospital in the middle of the night, someone who has your back — that kind of friend. The third level of friendship is one where your friend brings out the best in you, who amplifies the righteous aspects of your nature, who loves you enough to be honest with you, who challenges you, and who makes you a better person.” (View Highlight)
  • Understanding moves deeply beyond sharing with you what I think about so-and-so book or so-and-so place. It’s a lifelong journey. It means slowly revealing my unique constellation of reference points, the way I tend to bounce when I walk, why certain silly movies make me cry, the first thoughts I have when I walk into a crowd of people (View Highlight)
  • In a world that has devolved into context collapse and bad faith, feeling safe is rare. To see and be seen, even rarer. To get to a place with someone where you can relish in the silence, know the answer to a question before asking it, wholly accept each other’s faults, be at complete peace in another’s presence, requires a lot of toil—but it’s well worth it (View Highlight)