From Here to There, Or: Walls Have Ears




  • Or, why we need End-to-End Connectivity, not just End-to-End Encryption. The creation of any sort of private, human-friendly or freedom-enhancing system requires the inclusion of end-to-end connectivity as a fundamental principle. Unfortunately, much of the Internet is currently being transformed into a content-delivery service, more akin to Television On Steroids. (View Highlight)

title: “From Here to There, Or: Walls Have Ears” author: “” url: ”” date: 2023-12-19 source: reader tags: media/articles

From Here to There, Or: Walls Have Ears




  • Or, why we need End-to-End Connectivity, not just End-to-End Encryption. The creation of any sort of private, human-friendly or freedom-enhancing system requires the inclusion of end-to-end connectivity as a fundamental principle. Unfortunately, much of the Internet is currently being transformed into a content-delivery service, more akin to Television On Steroids. (View Highlight)