How to Run a Successful Literary Magazine




  • We need to start recruiting each other. The literary world needs all the warm bodies with the slightest bit of enthusiasm it can get. What talents does everyone bring? What connections? What ideas? Let’s make a new literary world and become famous writers anyway. Finish the novel. Start the lit mag. Become a prestigious editor. Fuck your life, you were never going to be a marine biologist, you would have killed all the dolphins. You’re a poet. Keep posting into the oblivion. Keeping sending your work out even though there is a 99% chance it’s going to come back and break your heart. Try to make it out of this cursed fucking forest of literary writing. It won’t be a haunted letter found on your body. It’s going to be a whole book and it’s going to be so fucking good. Try not to die! Recruit! Gather! Scream! (View Highlight)

title: “How to Run a Successful Literary Magazine” author: “Substack” url: ”” date: 2023-12-19 source: reader tags: media/articles

How to Run a Successful Literary Magazine




  • We need to start recruiting each other. The literary world needs all the warm bodies with the slightest bit of enthusiasm it can get. What talents does everyone bring? What connections? What ideas? Let’s make a new literary world and become famous writers anyway. Finish the novel. Start the lit mag. Become a prestigious editor. Fuck your life, you were never going to be a marine biologist, you would have killed all the dolphins. You’re a poet. Keep posting into the oblivion. Keeping sending your work out even though there is a 99% chance it’s going to come back and break your heart. Try to make it out of this cursed fucking forest of literary writing. It won’t be a haunted letter found on your body. It’s going to be a whole book and it’s going to be so fucking good. Try not to die! Recruit! Gather! Scream! (View Highlight)