How to Write a Wise Poem



  • Author:
  • Full Title: How to Write a Wise Poem
  • Category:#media/article


  • Like the best speculative fiction, good poems weird the truth, rearrange it, re-present it, cause us to re-envision the past, to rememory (to borrow Toni Morrison’s word) our own history. How do they do this? For one thing, they subvert our expectations and also reward them. These poems give us what we want, but they also give us what we don’t yet know we need. The transition from one to the next can be uncomfortable because it is simultaneously obvious and surprising.

title: How to Write a Wise Poem author: None url: date: 2022-02-15 source: mobile_share tags: media/articles

How to Write a Wise Poem



  • Author:
  • Full Title: How to Write a Wise Poem
  • Category:#articles


  • Like the best speculative fiction, good poems weird the truth, rearrange it, re-present it, cause us to re-envision the past, to rememory (to borrow Toni Morrison’s word) our own history. How do they do this? For one thing, they subvert our expectations and also reward them. These poems give us what we want, but they also give us what we don’t yet know we need. The transition from one to the next can be uncomfortable because it is simultaneously obvious and surprising.

title: “How to Write a Wise Poem” author: "" url: "" date: 2023-12-19 source: mobile_share tags: media/articles

How to Write a Wise Poem



  • Author:
  • Full Title: How to Write a Wise Poem
  • Category:#articles


  • Like the best speculative fiction, good poems weird the truth, rearrange it, re-present it, cause us to re-envision the past, to rememory (to borrow Toni Morrison’s word) our own history. How do they do this? For one thing, they subvert our expectations and also reward them. These poems give us what we want, but they also give us what we don’t yet know we need. The transition from one to the next can be uncomfortable because it is simultaneously obvious and surprising.