Identity and Its Discontents




  • You have to understand that I have great faith in the collective unconscious. I think our individual windows into the world are whirlpools on the surface of a great body of water. I think women’s bodies can predict the future. I get why people turn to nihilism but I think they should turn to Buddhism. Read some Terrence McKenna. Get in touch with nature. I mean it seems like the only path to suffering marginally less, and sometimes much less.

title: “Identity and Its Discontents” author: “” url: ”” date: 2023-12-19 source: hypothesis tags: media/articles

Identity and Its Discontents




  • You have to understand that I have great faith in the collective unconscious. I think our individual windows into the world are whirlpools on the surface of a great body of water. I think women’s bodies can predict the future. I get why people turn to nihilism but I think they should turn to Buddhism. Read some Terrence McKenna. Get in touch with nature. I mean it seems like the only path to suffering marginally less, and sometimes much less.