In Conversation: Pablo Rochat’s Anxious Rebellion




  • The theme of this book is restlessness and we’re exploring what that means to different people. For you, I felt that the way you see the world and subvert the mundane means there is a chance you can never switch that off. Is that the case? I put so much work into brainstorming that when I’m out in the world I’m mostly just tired. I don’t want to think of ideas outside of the office because I spend already spend many hours a day doing that. But then some of my best ideas have just been from walking on the street, separated from work. I’m learning that taking a break is good because your brain processes things in the back- ground and comes up with solutions to problems you had been struggling with earlier. So I’m walking out into the world and not really thinking about anything. Sometimes I go to parties or dinners and people want to brainstorm creative ideas. But I just want to talk about normal life. Unless I’m with friends whose ideas I really admire and want to see what they’re thinking, or I’m helping other people because I like brain- storming for them. (View Highlight)
  • That should just be like the entire studio manifesto. Yeah but like, isn’t laughing with your friends just the best moments? (View Highlight)
  • Nooo, that’s why I’m enjoying talking about this now because I do take this stuff really seriously. That’s something else I struggle with in terms of my business: If I was to grow it would be hard to find people who care as much as I do. I remember when I was working at this agency, we were working so hard and I was getting so frustrated and this account manager was just like ‘Pablo relax, it’s just advertising’ and I started to cry like ‘this is not just advertising!! I want to make this great’. Then I was like ‘OK fuck it I’m just going to focus on my own ideas because no one is going to forbid me from caring too much’. So while a lot of my work is super silly and designed to look low-effort (and sometimes it is), I take it super seriously. I really care. (View Highlight)

title: “In Conversation: Pablo Rochat’s Anxious Rebellion” author: “” url: ”” date: 2023-12-19 source: reader tags: media/articles

In Conversation: Pablo Rochat’s Anxious Rebellion




  • The theme of this book is restlessness and we’re exploring what that means to different people. For you, I felt that the way you see the world and subvert the mundane means there is a chance you can never switch that off. Is that the case? I put so much work into brainstorming that when I’m out in the world I’m mostly just tired. I don’t want to think of ideas outside of the office because I spend already spend many hours a day doing that. But then some of my best ideas have just been from walking on the street, separated from work. I’m learning that taking a break is good because your brain processes things in the back- ground and comes up with solutions to problems you had been struggling with earlier. So I’m walking out into the world and not really thinking about anything. Sometimes I go to parties or dinners and people want to brainstorm creative ideas. But I just want to talk about normal life. Unless I’m with friends whose ideas I really admire and want to see what they’re thinking, or I’m helping other people because I like brain- storming for them. (View Highlight)
  • That should just be like the entire studio manifesto. Yeah but like, isn’t laughing with your friends just the best moments? (View Highlight)
  • Nooo, that’s why I’m enjoying talking about this now because I do take this stuff really seriously. That’s something else I struggle with in terms of my business: If I was to grow it would be hard to find people who care as much as I do. I remember when I was working at this agency, we were working so hard and I was getting so frustrated and this account manager was just like ‘Pablo relax, it’s just advertising’ and I started to cry like ‘this is not just advertising!! I want to make this great’. Then I was like ‘OK fuck it I’m just going to focus on my own ideas because no one is going to forbid me from caring too much’. So while a lot of my work is super silly and designed to look low-effort (and sometimes it is), I take it super seriously. I really care. (View Highlight)