Interview: James Medlock




  • In a democracy I don’t think you’ll ever necessarily reach a pure end point, but I think it’s really good and important to have a flexible utopian vision that provides a guide for incremental progress.
  • It’s hard not to find the whole thing really funny, people just getting fuming mad at a friendly pseudonymous guy with a Karl Polanyi avatar talking about how great taxes and welfare are. I don’t think that style will ever really crowd out being mad on the internet, but I do recommend it, tends to be a better way of convincing people of things in my experience.

title: “Interview: James Medlock” author: url: date: 2022-02-15 source: hypothesis tags: media/articles

Interview: James Medlock




  • In a democracy I don’t think you’ll ever necessarily reach a pure end point, but I think it’s really good and important to have a flexible utopian vision that provides a guide for incremental progress.
  • It’s hard not to find the whole thing really funny, people just getting fuming mad at a friendly pseudonymous guy with a Karl Polanyi avatar talking about how great taxes and welfare are. I don’t think that style will ever really crowd out being mad on the internet, but I do recommend it, tends to be a better way of convincing people of things in my experience.

title: “Interview: James Medlock” author: “” url: ”” date: 2023-12-19 source: hypothesis tags: media/articles

Interview: James Medlock




  • In a democracy I don’t think you’ll ever necessarily reach a pure end point, but I think it’s really good and important to have a flexible utopian vision that provides a guide for incremental progress.
  • It’s hard not to find the whole thing really funny, people just getting fuming mad at a friendly pseudonymous guy with a Karl Polanyi avatar talking about how great taxes and welfare are. I don’t think that style will ever really crowd out being mad on the internet, but I do recommend it, tends to be a better way of convincing people of things in my experience.