Notes on Web3




  • Here, I’ll end with credit where due: Ethereum should inspire any­one inter­ested in the future(s) of the inter­net, because it proves, pow­er­fully, that new pro­to­cols are still pos­si­ble. I do not think Web3 is a desir­able or even tol­er­a­ble path for­ward for this web right here, but I take its les­son well. “Code wins arguments”, and so do clubs, and cults; time remains to build all three
  • A key characteristic — a key aesthetic—of most (all?) blockchains is immutability. They are ledgers, after all. But, these days, I am more inter­ested in mutability; ephemerality! I like things that can change and grow, then vanish.

title: Notes on Web3 author: url: date: 2022-02-15 source: pocket tags: media/articles

Notes on Web3




  • Here, I’ll end with credit where due: Ethereum should inspire any­one inter­ested in the future(s) of the inter­net, because it proves, pow­er­fully, that new pro­to­cols are still pos­si­ble. I do not think Web3 is a desir­able or even tol­er­a­ble path for­ward for this web right here, but I take its les­son well. “Code wins arguments”, and so do clubs, and cults; time remains to build all three
  • A key characteristic — a key aesthetic—of most (all?) blockchains is immutability. They are ledgers, after all. But, these days, I am more inter­ested in mutability; ephemerality! I like things that can change and grow, then vanish.

title: “Notes on Web3” author: “” url: ”” date: 2023-12-19 source: pocket tags: media/articles

Notes on Web3




  • Here, I’ll end with credit where due: Ethereum should inspire any­one inter­ested in the future(s) of the inter­net, because it proves, pow­er­fully, that new pro­to­cols are still pos­si­ble. I do not think Web3 is a desir­able or even tol­er­a­ble path for­ward for this web right here, but I take its les­son well. “Code wins arguments”, and so do clubs, and cults; time remains to build all three
  • A key characteristic — a key aesthetic—of most (all?) blockchains is immutability. They are ledgers, after all. But, these days, I am more inter­ested in mutability; ephemerality! I like things that can change and grow, then vanish.