Olia Lialina. A Vernacular Web. Indigenous and Barbarians.




  • To be blunt it was bright, rich, personal, slow and under construction. It was a web of sudden connections and personal links. Pages were built on the edge of tomorrow, full of hope for a faster connection and a more powerful computer. One could say it was the web of the indigenous…or the barbarians. In any case, it was a web of amateurs soon to be washed away by dot.com ambitions, professional authoring tools and guidelines designed by usability experts.
    • Note: usability guidelines are good, but also can cause a standardization effect. how do we get both? personal but also an accessible and powerful foundation
  • Also new amateur pages don’t appear at such amounts as ten years ago because the WWW of today is a developed and highly regulated space. You wouldn’t get on the web just to tell the world, “Welcome to my home page.” The web has diversified, the conditions have changed and there’s no need for this sort of old fashioned behavior.

title: “Olia Lialina. A Vernacular Web. Indigenous and Barbarians.” author: “art.teleportacia.org” url: ”http://art.teleportacia.org/observation/vernacular/?utm_source=pocket_mylist” date: 2023-12-19 source: hypothesis tags: media/articles

Olia Lialina. A Vernacular Web. Indigenous and Barbarians.




  • To be blunt it was bright, rich, personal, slow and under construction. It was a web of sudden connections and personal links. Pages were built on the edge of tomorrow, full of hope for a faster connection and a more powerful computer. One could say it was the web of the indigenous…or the barbarians. In any case, it was a web of amateurs soon to be washed away by dot.com ambitions, professional authoring tools and guidelines designed by usability experts.
    • Note: usability guidelines are good, but also can cause a standardization effect. how do we get both? personal but also an accessible and powerful foundation
  • Also new amateur pages don’t appear at such amounts as ten years ago because the WWW of today is a developed and highly regulated space. You wouldn’t get on the web just to tell the world, “Welcome to my home page.” The web has diversified, the conditions have changed and there’s no need for this sort of old fashioned behavior.