Social Media Computer




  • My relationship with doomscrolling-prevalent platforms had already changed. Twitter’s timeline, showing posts and retweets from follows—and ads—had been replaced by the old school approach of visiting individual profiles when I was curious to see what someone had been thinking about recently. When it came to news sites I was weaned off them already—ignoring spikes of bordering-on-compulsive use during crises like the beginning of the pandemic. And if aliens land, the event will reach my ears from talking with friends, entirely regardless of my own news intake. Note: This text is not a recommendation; it’s a subjective experience report, a mini-travelogue into the as-yet-untrodden and the potentially-to-come (View Highlight)

title: “Social Media Computer” author: “” url: ”” date: 2023-12-19 source: reader tags: media/articles

Social Media Computer




  • My relationship with doomscrolling-prevalent platforms had already changed. Twitter’s timeline, showing posts and retweets from follows—and ads—had been replaced by the old school approach of visiting individual profiles when I was curious to see what someone had been thinking about recently. When it came to news sites I was weaned off them already—ignoring spikes of bordering-on-compulsive use during crises like the beginning of the pandemic. And if aliens land, the event will reach my ears from talking with friends, entirely regardless of my own news intake. Note: This text is not a recommendation; it’s a subjective experience report, a mini-travelogue into the as-yet-untrodden and the potentially-to-come (View Highlight)