The Asymmetry of Internet Identity




  • This is the fundamental asymmetry of the internet’s identity stack. Brands are few and easily identified by people. People are many, and cannot be identified without Brands. Additionally, how does Bob know what Alice’s Brand is? She told him. Probably in a text message or email, that is, via some other Brand’s communication system. There is no good way for a person to identify another person without first mutually agreeing on Brand identities. (View Highlight)

title: “The Asymmetry of Internet Identity” author: “” url: ”” date: 2023-12-19 source: reader tags: media/articles

The Asymmetry of Internet Identity




  • This is the fundamental asymmetry of the internet’s identity stack. Brands are few and easily identified by people. People are many, and cannot be identified without Brands. Additionally, how does Bob know what Alice’s Brand is? She told him. Probably in a text message or email, that is, via some other Brand’s communication system. There is no good way for a person to identify another person without first mutually agreeing on Brand identities. (View Highlight)