The Carrier Bag and Unknown Horizons




  • What if time was told through the lens of what has helped us share, rather than conquer? What is reshaped if the protagonist of a story is a “we” rather than an “I”? What would shift if you gave the softness of your heart not only to the steps forward, but also to the parts of yourself that cyclically loop, contract, and expand? (View Highlight)
  • If the carrier bag presents a way to gentle time, it also offers a path to tender our relationship to creativity. So often the focus on creativity is on our individual and finalized output. The value of our creativity becomes whittled down to what it’s conquered or accomplished, and in turn our attention turns towards external validation. What if instead the story of our creativity took more of the shape of a carrier bag? Where we celebrate our creativity’s capacity “to bring energy home,” to alchemize our values, to be a space that generates more questions than answers, more spirals than definitive ends (View Highlight)
    1. Throughout the week, collect 5 sounds. The collection can be through a recording or writing them down. Once collected, create a name for the symphony that holds them all together (View Highlight)

title: “The Carrier Bag and Unknown Horizons” author: “Annika Hansteen-Izora” url: ”” date: 2023-12-19 source: reader tags: media/articles

The Carrier Bag and Unknown Horizons




  • What if time was told through the lens of what has helped us share, rather than conquer? What is reshaped if the protagonist of a story is a “we” rather than an “I”? What would shift if you gave the softness of your heart not only to the steps forward, but also to the parts of yourself that cyclically loop, contract, and expand? (View Highlight)
  • If the carrier bag presents a way to gentle time, it also offers a path to tender our relationship to creativity. So often the focus on creativity is on our individual and finalized output. The value of our creativity becomes whittled down to what it’s conquered or accomplished, and in turn our attention turns towards external validation. What if instead the story of our creativity took more of the shape of a carrier bag? Where we celebrate our creativity’s capacity “to bring energy home,” to alchemize our values, to be a space that generates more questions than answers, more spirals than definitive ends (View Highlight)
    1. Throughout the week, collect 5 sounds. The collection can be through a recording or writing them down. Once collected, create a name for the symphony that holds them all together (View Highlight)