The Life and Times of a Personal Website




  • Recently this has looked like a return to sketching and an interest in building/assembling physical objects and spaces. But I have also stumbled across digital tools like that provide an interesting playground for developing and connecting ideas. (If you’ve never used it yet, give it a try! I love where they’re going but personally find it a cumbersome tool right now because of lack of mobile optimization. I eagerly await the day they raise bucket loads of money so they can deliver a seamless experience for tending to gardens of ideas.) When we talk about the future of the digital sphere, it seems we focus heavily on social interactions, data ownership and new economies – yet very seldom on individual and communal meaning-making. What does “ritual” look like on social media? Does it even belong there? What is the “personal website” of the future? (View Highlight)

title: “The Life and Times of a Personal Website” author: “Rebecca” url: ”” date: 2023-12-19 source: reader tags: media/articles

The Life and Times of a Personal Website




  • Recently this has looked like a return to sketching and an interest in building/assembling physical objects and spaces. But I have also stumbled across digital tools like that provide an interesting playground for developing and connecting ideas. (If you’ve never used it yet, give it a try! I love where they’re going but personally find it a cumbersome tool right now because of lack of mobile optimization. I eagerly await the day they raise bucket loads of money so they can deliver a seamless experience for tending to gardens of ideas.) When we talk about the future of the digital sphere, it seems we focus heavily on social interactions, data ownership and new economies – yet very seldom on individual and communal meaning-making. What does “ritual” look like on social media? Does it even belong there? What is the “personal website” of the future? (View Highlight)