The Mid-Twenties




  • In college, I was always focused on the “right” path for success. I obsessed over getting the right look, the right steps, the right itemized list of experience, the right passions and the right introductions and the right overall impression of a “professional” up-and-coming engineer. Life was one big plan for me, and I planned the hell out of being in the right places at the right times to get what I wanted.
  • I decided to ditch chasing in favor of feeling—following the energy in the given moment, having a constant pulse on what got me excited and having it be enough to just feel passionate for my current situation.
  • Even as I go into my mid-twenties and late twenties, through the roaring 20s to the bustling 30s and the partying 60s and beyond, I want to keep finding this energy in old passions and new curiosities. I want to keep channeling that energy, letting it drive me into adventures and communities, and of course having fun with it all the way. If we are mindful of it, we can bring a little bit of our child selves, the crazy, reckless, foolish, silly pieces of our youth, with us til the very end. And I think he’s a pretty fun guy to keep around for a while.

title: “The Mid-Twenties” author: “” url: ”” date: 2023-12-19 source: hypothesis tags: media/articles

The Mid-Twenties




  • In college, I was always focused on the “right” path for success. I obsessed over getting the right look, the right steps, the right itemized list of experience, the right passions and the right introductions and the right overall impression of a “professional” up-and-coming engineer. Life was one big plan for me, and I planned the hell out of being in the right places at the right times to get what I wanted.
  • I decided to ditch chasing in favor of feeling—following the energy in the given moment, having a constant pulse on what got me excited and having it be enough to just feel passionate for my current situation.
  • Even as I go into my mid-twenties and late twenties, through the roaring 20s to the bustling 30s and the partying 60s and beyond, I want to keep finding this energy in old passions and new curiosities. I want to keep channeling that energy, letting it drive me into adventures and communities, and of course having fun with it all the way. If we are mindful of it, we can bring a little bit of our child selves, the crazy, reckless, foolish, silly pieces of our youth, with us til the very end. And I think he’s a pretty fun guy to keep around for a while.