To Dream Lists, Not to Do Lists




  • These dream goals don’t exist in isolation, as another line or block in your task board. These dream goals need to be in your face. They need to be research papers printed and held on by magnets on your fridge door. They need to be yellow blaring sticky notes scattered across your desk reminding you to think about the thing. They need to be snippets of hip hop music that seap in through the spotify playlist you listen to everyday inspiring your feet to dance. They’re the coffee stains on the chapter of your favourite book, reminding you of the words that keep you up at night. (View Highlight)

title: “To Dream Lists, Not to Do Lists” author: “” url: ”” date: 2023-12-19 source: reader tags: media/articles

To Dream Lists, Not to Do Lists




  • These dream goals don’t exist in isolation, as another line or block in your task board. These dream goals need to be in your face. They need to be research papers printed and held on by magnets on your fridge door. They need to be yellow blaring sticky notes scattered across your desk reminding you to think about the thing. They need to be snippets of hip hop music that seap in through the spotify playlist you listen to everyday inspiring your feet to dance. They’re the coffee stains on the chapter of your favourite book, reminding you of the words that keep you up at night. (View Highlight)