



  • I hate it, because of course it trou­bles every intu­ition I have about what it means to be an artist — the very idea of authorship! There’s some­thing espe­cially cyn­i­cal about the spe­cific exe­cu­tion here, too. I can eas­ily imag­ine another ver­sion of this project that uses inter­est­ing track titles and gen­er­a­tive album art, so that grop­ing around for the hid­den “prime” might feel more like piec­ing together a puzzle, less like leaf­ing through junk mail.
  • Plots ani­mated by kindness: not sac­cha­rine or dull, but soar­ing and magnetic. Sto­ries about kind­ness that draw potent chem­i­cals into your blood just as surely as the thrillers do! That make your heart thrum, pull your cheeks tight. That tell you about the world, and what’s pos­si­ble in it.

title: “Visions” author: “” url: ”” date: 2023-12-19 source: hypothesis tags: media/articles





  • I hate it, because of course it trou­bles every intu­ition I have about what it means to be an artist — the very idea of authorship! There’s some­thing espe­cially cyn­i­cal about the spe­cific exe­cu­tion here, too. I can eas­ily imag­ine another ver­sion of this project that uses inter­est­ing track titles and gen­er­a­tive album art, so that grop­ing around for the hid­den “prime” might feel more like piec­ing together a puzzle, less like leaf­ing through junk mail.
  • Plots ani­mated by kindness: not sac­cha­rine or dull, but soar­ing and magnetic. Sto­ries about kind­ness that draw potent chem­i­cals into your blood just as surely as the thrillers do! That make your heart thrum, pull your cheeks tight. That tell you about the world, and what’s pos­si­ble in it.