Weird Web3 Energy




  • The landscape of tech is essentially feudal Each app builds a moat and walls to protect the hoard of data its peasants produce
  • Before the advent of the internet, apps ran on your computer and saved data to your computer. The internet flipped this around. Web software ran remotely on server computers, and saved data remotely to giant databases. Now our data was on someone else’s computer. This introduced a host of challenges for anything that required trust
  • Websites became the boundary of trust, and apps followed the same model.
  • Another word for money is “currency”, as in “currents”, as in “river”. This term emphasizes something important about money: it has to flow to exist at all. Money is a protocol, a shared idea that has power to the extent that people participate in exchanging it.
  • Each wave is powered by the introduction of a new low-cost input: coal and iron for the railway age, steel for the heavy engineering age, electricity, oil, and plastic for the mass production age, microchips for the ICT age.
  • I think my read of this whole thing right now is eldritch, rather than utopian. Complex distributed systems, like the web, markets, society, ecosystems, biology, are emergent. Emergence is powerful, resilient, unmoral, teleonomic.

title: Weird Web3 Energy author: url: date: 2022-02-15 source: pocket tags: media/articles

Weird Web3 Energy




  • The landscape of tech is essentially feudal Each app builds a moat and walls to protect the hoard of data its peasants produce
  • Before the advent of the internet, apps ran on your computer and saved data to your computer. The internet flipped this around. Web software ran remotely on server computers, and saved data remotely to giant databases. Now our data was on someone else’s computer. This introduced a host of challenges for anything that required trust
  • Websites became the boundary of trust, and apps followed the same model.
  • Another word for money is “currency”, as in “currents”, as in “river”. This term emphasizes something important about money: it has to flow to exist at all. Money is a protocol, a shared idea that has power to the extent that people participate in exchanging it.
  • Each wave is powered by the introduction of a new low-cost input: coal and iron for the railway age, steel for the heavy engineering age, electricity, oil, and plastic for the mass production age, microchips for the ICT age.
  • I think my read of this whole thing right now is eldritch, rather than utopian. Complex distributed systems, like the web, markets, society, ecosystems, biology, are emergent. Emergence is powerful, resilient, unmoral, teleonomic.

title: “Weird Web3 Energy” author: “” url: ”” date: 2023-12-19 source: pocket tags: media/articles

Weird Web3 Energy




  • The landscape of tech is essentially feudal Each app builds a moat and walls to protect the hoard of data its peasants produce
  • Before the advent of the internet, apps ran on your computer and saved data to your computer. The internet flipped this around. Web software ran remotely on server computers, and saved data remotely to giant databases. Now our data was on someone else’s computer. This introduced a host of challenges for anything that required trust
  • Websites became the boundary of trust, and apps followed the same model.
  • Another word for money is “currency”, as in “currents”, as in “river”. This term emphasizes something important about money: it has to flow to exist at all. Money is a protocol, a shared idea that has power to the extent that people participate in exchanging it.
  • Each wave is powered by the introduction of a new low-cost input: coal and iron for the railway age, steel for the heavy engineering age, electricity, oil, and plastic for the mass production age, microchips for the ICT age.
  • I think my read of this whole thing right now is eldritch, rather than utopian. Complex distributed systems, like the web, markets, society, ecosystems, biology, are emergent. Emergence is powerful, resilient, unmoral, teleonomic.