Who Could Write Protocol Fiction for Speculative Infrastructure?




  • Permissionless innovation we call it now – how can you do new things without hitting coordination problems.
  • Protocols are just agreed ways to communicate. A protocol embodies an architecture of participation. They’re the lynchpin!
  • In broad brushstrokes then, we want a process like this: Imagine the destination ecosystem such that its internal economy is well-balanced, there is good interop, and the incentives are all pointing in the right directions Draft a protocol – a set of rules for how to work together, but expressed as rules primarily for software. Ensure that it represents the desired ecosystem, but also that it works when there are a small number of actors, and that it contains incentives to grow without introducing coordination costs Launch a prototype: a working reference implementation for the protocol, but also something that achieves commercial end-to-end Smooth the way for growth by removing blockers for 3rd party participants (for example: underwriting risk on long-term infrastructure investment) Iterate everything.
  • The protocol is where the rubber hits the road. It’s a description of the future, and a proof of the potential economics. If done well then funding the prototype should be a relatively straightforward public infrastructure decision
  • The thing is that, for an ecosystem, you do need many participants. With the narrative description, Sloan created the catalyst. With the spec, he solved the coordination problem.

title: “Who Could Write Protocol Fiction for Speculative Infrastructure?” author: “interconnected.org” url: ”https://interconnected.org/home/2022/08/11/casi?utm_source=pocket_mylist” date: 2023-12-19 source: hypothesis tags: media/articles

Who Could Write Protocol Fiction for Speculative Infrastructure?




  • Permissionless innovation we call it now – how can you do new things without hitting coordination problems.
  • Protocols are just agreed ways to communicate. A protocol embodies an architecture of participation. They’re the lynchpin!
  • In broad brushstrokes then, we want a process like this: Imagine the destination ecosystem such that its internal economy is well-balanced, there is good interop, and the incentives are all pointing in the right directions Draft a protocol – a set of rules for how to work together, but expressed as rules primarily for software. Ensure that it represents the desired ecosystem, but also that it works when there are a small number of actors, and that it contains incentives to grow without introducing coordination costs Launch a prototype: a working reference implementation for the protocol, but also something that achieves commercial end-to-end Smooth the way for growth by removing blockers for 3rd party participants (for example: underwriting risk on long-term infrastructure investment) Iterate everything.
  • The protocol is where the rubber hits the road. It’s a description of the future, and a proof of the potential economics. If done well then funding the prototype should be a relatively straightforward public infrastructure decision
  • The thing is that, for an ecosystem, you do need many participants. With the narrative description, Sloan created the catalyst. With the spec, he solved the coordination problem.