Worldbuilding Is Creative Resilience




  • This piece is focused on another kind of worldbuilding: where an artist expresses themselves from a world, but where that world may not be explicitly or fully explained to the audience. A world that exists in the mind of the artist, that’s felt more than spoken, that lingers in the shadows and air, the source of life and truth from which everything emanates (View Highlight)
  • While struggling with these feelings, I read about Paul’s realizations that led to Sgt Pepper’s, and I too decided to change my appearance. For the first six months of writing the book I grew a mustache to feel less like myself. Normal Yancey was worried that his ideas were too out there, but Mustached Yancey didn’t care what anyone thought. Every time I looked in a mirror or touched my face I was reminded and empowered by my decision to become somebody else (View Highlight)
    • Note: take on a new apperance, change your name, there’s safety in a new “identity” you fashion for yourself

title: “Worldbuilding Is Creative Resilience” author: “Yancey Strickler” url: ”” date: 2023-12-19 source: reader tags: media/articles

Worldbuilding Is Creative Resilience




  • This piece is focused on another kind of worldbuilding: where an artist expresses themselves from a world, but where that world may not be explicitly or fully explained to the audience. A world that exists in the mind of the artist, that’s felt more than spoken, that lingers in the shadows and air, the source of life and truth from which everything emanates (View Highlight)
  • While struggling with these feelings, I read about Paul’s realizations that led to Sgt Pepper’s, and I too decided to change my appearance. For the first six months of writing the book I grew a mustache to feel less like myself. Normal Yancey was worried that his ideas were too out there, but Mustached Yancey didn’t care what anyone thought. Every time I looked in a mirror or touched my face I was reminded and empowered by my decision to become somebody else (View Highlight)
    • Note: take on a new apperance, change your name, there’s safety in a new “identity” you fashion for yourself