why we make art




  • in science and philosophy we chase after a slightly different kind of accuracy but I think it’s fundamentally the same thing: they’re all attempts to grapple with the world, to capture it, to share it with others. the most distinctively human impulse is the impulse to consume and create culture. I know it sounds abstract but I really do think this is why I read textbooks and write poems and doodle on index cards. it is an act of love. I want to capture what I see and feel—the beauty of it, the joy of it, but also the pain and the sadness of it—and I want to share that with you, I want you to experience what I’m experiencing. I want to bottle up the world and give it to you to keep. (View Highlight)

title: “why we make art” author: “google.com” url: ”https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/#inbox/FMfcgzGslbFDQrqLspJBmLjqnmzLpxGV” date: 2023-12-19 source: reader tags: media/articles

why we make art




  • in science and philosophy we chase after a slightly different kind of accuracy but I think it’s fundamentally the same thing: they’re all attempts to grapple with the world, to capture it, to share it with others. the most distinctively human impulse is the impulse to consume and create culture. I know it sounds abstract but I really do think this is why I read textbooks and write poems and doodle on index cards. it is an act of love. I want to capture what I see and feel—the beauty of it, the joy of it, but also the pain and the sadness of it—and I want to share that with you, I want you to experience what I’m experiencing. I want to bottle up the world and give it to you to keep. (View Highlight)