#ideas#software environments for collective fullfillment MVP [ ] come up with a better name

  • key insights ^wtZz7mS4x
    • this is supposed to encompass all the work around socially networked tools for thought but also add an element of focusing on people > content
    • inspiration ^IF5T7Bsj6
      • alden with work on forage and focus on easy save, and share by default
      • are.na - visual-based social graph of connections and ideas
        • may not cultivate intimacy as much… but
        • very good on the idea of public/closed/private spectrum of contribution
          • contribution spectrum increasing barrier to contribute ^6gK3XitMr
            • public:: anyone can view + contribute
            • closed:: anyone can view, select people can contribute
            • private:: select people can view + contribute
      • futureland like a public journal for creatives and creating
        • focus on making things
        • side focus on automatic aggregation of stats based on the journaling
          • ex: journal called “water” that you post water emoji into every time you drink water, automatically captures how much water you’ve drank
          • some brilliant idea here of data, content, utility emerging from your creative works
      • dive app on twitter
      • pinterst but for visual and no intimacy
      • twitter but for anything and harder to cultivate although made better by twemex
    • problems easy capture ^GhTwJ0qKO easy capture
      • comparables
        • Screenotate is the perfect version of this, grabs visual content + text content and extracts all the information from the source and provides a searchable database after
      • ideas the key components of a social networked tool tweets me
      • how can you easily capture important things that
        • observation a bunch of important info in the seams like links, images, and thoughts in your texts, things other people say you find while browsing
          • sharing content to people is a form of curation, the first layer
          • curation is dependent on 1) context and 2) purpose
          • some things that are important in one context are not important in another and purposeful in one (brainstorming) vs. not in another (execution)
          • permanent you do not know immediately upon seeing a piece of content whether it passes the curation bar, it is only after thinking about it and remembering it in different contexts when it graduates in importance
            • Can you have something that surfaces the entire ocean of things you’ve been exposed to that is easily searchable?
              • comparables here are twemex, Pocket, Readwise, Instapaper
                • there is benefit to manually reviewing things (think your expense app) because you can inject importance and curation and do a mini spaced repetition
                • readwise is not great in this sense of automatically syncing your highlights in because it derives you of that manual curation. Of deliberately saying again: “yes this is what i want in my second digital brain”
      • need to be able to capture 1) from anywhere and 2) have a breadcrumb trail to be able to work your way back and dive into the history
        • idea of glue is tied directly to interoperability
          • we need power and control at the seams in order to be able to fluidly move between systems and constantly capture from everywhere
          • what is the best way to do this? plaid did this for banks but can you do this for knowledge systems especially since they are so numerous and changing?
            • the iOS share action is universally available and extracts in some universal format (rich text)
            • crazy you have a tracker that sees every webpage and every paragraph and every image and every person that you visit and research in your digital world and even physical tracker that does the same thing ^yGffx32G1
              • this all feeds into a indexed, searchable database that automatically extracts the content of any given moment (how do you choose the amount of content in any given context) as well as a trail back to the source
              • You can then extract the important bits and elevate them with curation
        • tobuild inline tool bar that allows you to search and capture and link from anywhere, grabs the content + the source of highlighted content ^Td_z6FrF2
          • think about the pdf extraction tool built for roam, should be able to screenshot or text
            • this is like Screenotate though and the problem with that is that it goes into this separate database that doesn’t connect back to anywhere that you actually synthesize ideas
              • key part it’s missing is a mechanism for you to be able to curate and take it to the next step
    • curation [[curation > capture]] curation as a job
      • after you capture things
      • What is involved in “curation”?
        • need some way of making connections, of building ideas
          • this is already solved for by a lot of productivity tools like bear, roam and notion
          • can you just make this a pluggable layer and plug in whatever synthesis tool you want?
        • making connections is the primitive for building ideas
          • making connections comes from 1) talking with people, 2) reading new things and relating them back to things you’ve read before, 3) experiencing things in the real world and forming new opinions about the unknown
    • sharing
      • after you have things that are curated, you want to share some subset of them, or do you by default share all of them?
    • synthesis
      • Idea synthesis:: focused on idea sex, giving life to new thoughts and angles and philosophies
        • in the state of shared curated thoughts, individually or as a community you need to synthesize those thoughts and ideas into a cohesive vision or hypothesis or experiment to test out
          • this is where prototyping should be encouraged and pushed forward
          • prototyping continues this cycle of sharing and curation from the things that worked well, while there’s always a breadcrumb trail of the things that didnt work in easy capture
      • connection synthesis:: focused on relationship sex, building bonds with people that are more intimate, trusting, and healthy — understanding people for who they are rather than what they do
        • this is mostly what waypoints focuses on, cultivating that intimate relationship through the gathering and resurfacing of meaningful moments and not in a way that enshrines them in some sort of sanctity but more in a way that brings them to the everyday and gives them life like gardening bridge consumption, connection, synthesis that pipelines out to creation
  • consumption and interaction and connection and synthesis are all tied together, but we do them in silos now
    • there are places for a few of them but not for all of them
    • that would be fine but there isn’t an easy flow