war of intentions how do you have productive discourse?

  • how do we work together as a society towards a better one?
    • find common ground to build upon
    • listen to each other with an aim of understanding
    • attacking arguments and ideas not people
  • how do you balance the civility vs aggression
    • sometimes you need to push the extreme to push the normal
    • civility is the most “productive” way to move forward conversation but it takes a long time and can spend a lot of wasted time here
    • aggression shifts the norm significantly by championing something way out of the ballpark where the discussion is hard to even have
    • sometimes you need to reanchor with something extreme to get the conversation back to a productive place
      • similar to brainstorms, throwing out crazy ideas and considering them to get your mind out of a local minimum
  • what if we approached productive discourse as we do coming up with creative ideas / ideas generation?
    • problem solving mindset vs. proving someone else wrong mindset
    • enemy is the problem instead of the other side
    • why is it that discourse is so charged to the point that we want to attack each other? how do we better remedy emotion and logic how do we get people to see multiple stories? (see The danger of a single story) How do we get people to embrace complexity? (see Resist the Urge to Simplify the Story)
  • Observations::
    • for the most part, people do not have productive discourse on the web
    • extreme and simple views are rewarded
    • brightspots people will change their minds when they understand your point of view or perspective
      • see black man who befriended KKK members and caused them to en-masse quit
    • brightspots some people who recognize the importance of nuance
      • but people are generally afraid to speak out about this lest they be categorized as the enemy
  • Related (what are some practical things that would advance this cause?)
    • in-place fact-checking to make it no extra effort to double check if the information you’re consuming is accurate or not and give resources to other info if it is inaccurate
      • provide nuanced viewpoints (several viewpoints) if it’s a more contentious point
    • inject noise into traditional personalized algorithms to break out of the echo chamber
      • “thats actually really interesting like as ML takes over all aspects of our lives we’ll start losing out on the “mistakes” that end up being the thing that changes your live completely for the better”
    • in-place surfacing alternative views of thought
      • we need to understand how the other side thinks in order to know how to talk to them and convince them of our side ^tYtWuwS0G
  • resources::