Author:: unabomber Link:: Tags:#media/article institutions #institutions vs. people terrorism psychology the system

  • Summary::
    • thesis that system is designed to control us
      • very Psychopolitics and Baudrillard themed
      • “bourgeois are the people who are under control of the system but rest are rebels in the system”
    • “Our goal is only to destroy the existing form of society.” [[unabomber manifesto#^OAMCtBdDE]]
  • notes::
    • system may cave on itself but needs to be prepared to be destroyed so it doesn’t regain control
    • technology is tool of the elite to control the masses, of rendering the masses superfluous
    • pictures himself as part of an enlightened few (the rational sect of society), a shepherd for society
      • ironic because that is exactly what he criticizes elite class for
    • “Our goal is only to destroy the existing form of society.” ^OAMCtBdDE
      • destroy everything, the goal is the end of institutions political nihilism
      • want a future absent of society/institutions, individual liberty is the ultimate goal ^z3-X9Ypw8
      • false utopian vision of our previous lives without considering the bad that were a part of our past lives, ignoring the terrors of our past
    • either manipulated or kept docile so as to not take over control and be unpredictable
      • he doesn’t consider possibility of advocating for things like ubi so that masses aren’t useless
    • the revolutionaries should not expect to have a majority of people on their side. History is made by active, determined minorities, not by the majority, which seldom has a clear and consistent idea of what it really wants

    • One should think twice before encouraging any other social conflict than that between the power- holding elite (which wields technology) and the general public (over which technology exerts its power)

      • no longer really true? which is why this power dynamic is being tilted on its head? institutions vs. people where people wield the digital sphere in technology vs govenrment
      • small-scale technology vs organization-dependent technology
    • problem is that he took it at a very individual scale, but these huge changes require large groups working together to change things
      • he had internalized these beliefs and didnt have close relationships, lost hope in people being able to understand him and resonate with him.
      • related to his very narcissistic view that no one can understand besides him and the enlightened few
      • Very different scenario where he crafts this in a way that people will understand and advocates for his cause and gathers a coalition
        • related to my goal of advocate a vision or emotion or thinking and advocate for it in a way that people connect to ^BtgSiuXyI