Link:: Tags:#media/podcast addiction media social media productive discourse attention economy

  • connection is opposite of addiction
    • is the real problem with we dont have a media that can support democratic forum. Democracy does not work if there’s an electorate that is completely reactive to the media they consume. this is a problem before all other problems problems ^iRZEodhX1 that people don’t feel connected to each other anymore? understanding and discourse only a problem if you feel like other people are enemies questions How do we change tech environment to help you get that connection
  • Jan Tønnesvang
    • psychological oxygen ability to get these human innate needs met: autonomy, belonging, intimacy and mastery
      • Environments meet them in diff ways
    • Love papers: idea for thought what if you could save messages from friends into a “love paper” to revisit whenever lonely
    • Contextually when you’re in low state, vulnerable -> get you out of that addictive state, preventative tech
      • How do you know when you’re in that state?
      • What is the proper prompt when you’re in that place?
      • How do you maintain it as a safe space
      • ideas Coda doc to remind you to call people
    • Intimacy happens from proximity
      • via protest and shared movement that punk rock person got to know conservative muslim and find a lot in common
  • in western culture we are homeless, not connected to our community
    • observations digital homes are popping up all over the place
      • Discord servers, twitter for some people, how do we make that the default in your internet experience tho?
    • When you’re all alone you think something wrong with you
    • observations Technology is 100% individual, less and less interdependent
      • questions How do we make people default to depend on people on the internet?
        • Related to scenarios what if speech became 15% more likely to have mistakes/misunderstandings? would we abandon vocal speech for text or some other means? ^oDIQudGjA: why do people prefer to do things online via over phone then? Is it just the fear of human interaction or is there something fundamentally more efficient ^lBAPEZM1Z is a result of this culture shift to individual and depending only on yourself Dr Sam everington: Depressed people working together as the solution
  • Deep dive into culture of how we became more individualistic
    • Humans are social animals -> we want homes -> what is a home?
    • Deep dive into what is a home?
    • Finding happiness: in America Do things for ourselves vs other places do things for others
    • Loneliness is sharing meaning with other people not how many people you see
  • How do we make the internet kinder?  How do we make it support the psychological parts of people?
    • This is not normal but it is the normal that the new generation has learned
  • We’ve replaced connection with stimulation
    • We always crave more because we see a shadow of what we actually want but it actually deprives us We need to listen to our needs, how do we project the intent of our needs into technology? Depression and addiction are not malfunctions, they are signals