• #ideas/website personal website dance.spencerchang.me ^19e9a8
    • play random song from my dance / jam playlist
    • some fun vibe in the background matching the song or random gifs with drop shadows stuck there
    • you can dance with ur cursor along with ppl and dance with ghosts of other cursors dancing to the same song?\
      • little generated stick figures that have their own spotlights?
    • it yells at you if you aren’t moving ur cursor vigorously enough
      • on mobile you can shake ur phone? idk lol
    • you can use ur webcam if u want, it anonymizes ur movements
    • QWOP inspo??
      • putting more cursors on your phone when you add fingers to your trackpad
    • dancing in the rain

2023-11-10: thinking about this again inspired by the dance cypher. How to give it that same energy? people have a bounding box around their cursor, it has a spring feedback for you to “break out” of it and enter the circle where you are free to do whatever motions you want

  • how to make this natural and not forced though? what kinds of natural ‘dance’ are people doing already on the computers when they use them
    • tapping keys to beat of song
    • figjam stuff / high five / cursor parking lot
  • dance gets recorded and then becomes something that will play on some site… maybe you get a custom code to show the dance on your site? you get a file that you can download and then provide a public link to the file to open source code lol just plain json