tobuild index waypoints is a subset

  • observation every app has an action that captures a user expressing value towards some piece of content (upvote on reddit, like on twitter, etc.). These are valuable signals from the user on their intent and what matters to them. ^bRV90JROU
    • how can we leverage that to provide a feed of “curated” items that can be triaged into evergreen ^cSioala08 in-place plug in to existing validation mechanisms (upvote on reddit, like on twitter) to build a feed of curated things
  • plug in to specify what kinds of content gets shown on feed, is the problem that this is too much work to curate? Can you have good defaults?
    • hijack your feed does todos
    • useful reference for waypoints can use a private social media account rather than building extension to inject content ^LAyMYQsKC does fleeting todos [ ] explore this what would it look like, how much of Geoffrey Litt’s wildcard can you take inspiration from?
  • pitch
    • Day to day, we are confronted with a single medium for content—the feed, an endless, infinite scrolling, frictionless platform for content. Through this medium, we face an endless barrage of beyond perfect ways of living, superficial connections, status-signaling material objects, and sweeping statements on the right way to do things. These kinds of things fill our feeds like weeds, naturally overgrowing the space provided. We have to work hard to cultivate, garden, and curate these feeds to reflect what we want to see, but it’s difficult when the default is something that we don’t want to see. What if we could change the default? What if we could get reminded of these pieces of garbage and be reminded of the momentous moments in life, like digging up a time capsule, full of goodies and happy surprises.
    • What if you could tune your feed in a way that benefited you instead of the companies that rely on their algorithms to tune it for them? What if social media feeds directed you to connection in the form of reminding you of strong, close relationships and the moments that form the foundation for them or if youtube feeds directed you to put the inspiration from the content you’ve been consuming into actual creative projects?
  • core components
    • save / import elements
      • can you incorporate how can we leverage that to provide a feed of “curated” items that can be triaged into evergreen ^cSioala08
    • easy feedback to tune what things get surfaced
      • way to surface relevancy based on what is shown in the social media? not essential tho
    • things get resurfaced over time using orbit or spaced repetition algorithm
    • replace elements of feed with these things
    • collaborative space for people you care about to inject thing into?
      • how is this different than normal social media it is basically a closed off subset of social media that you presumably participate in. something nice about getting a smaller set of people though